Request object

Every time xTend receives an HTTP request there will be a static Request object available which contains a lot of information about the request.


Use the get() method to retrieve a URL variable (As seen before, URL variables are stored in the Request object).

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\Request;

$var = Request::get('key');
$var = Request::get('key', 'default value');

Notice the second paramater is false by default


Use the in() method to check whether a URL variable exists.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\Request;

$exists = Request::in('key');


Use the all() method to return all URL variables as an array.


$post is a member of the request object which contains your POST data. You could also just use $_POST but in some cases your webserver will not parse the post data correctly but xTend will.


The $get member contains your get data. If for any reason your webserver didn't parse the query correctly, xTend will parse it for you.


The $data member will contain your navigation data which was passed when navigating using your App. More on navigating using your app in another chapter.


The method() function returns the HTTP verb that was requested.


The path() method returns the path of the request. This does not include the domain name.


The scheme() function returns either http or https, depending on which one is used in the request.


Use the host() method to retrieve the domain name.


The url() method will concatenate the scheme and the host to form the url.


The port() method will return the port number (usually 80 or 443).


The query() function will return the query string.


You can use the contentType() method to set the current content type. Pass the content type as paramater and you're all set.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\Request;
