Cookies and sessions

If you want your cookie and session values encrypted, you can use xTend's built in helper classes.


Use the Cookie class to get, set and remove cookies.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\Cookie;

Cookie::set('name', 'value', time()+3600*24, '/');
//by default a cookie will be set on domain / for a day if you omit the last 2 parameters

Cookie::get('name', false, '/');
//the second parameter is the default value to return when a cookie is not found.
//The third parameter is optional as it defines the domain where to remove the cookie of the decryption of the value failed

Cookie::remove('name', '/');
//The second parameter will yet again default to / if omitted


Use the Session class to get, set and remove sessions.

use \xTend\Core\Session as Session;

Session::set('name', 'value');

Session::get('name', false);
//The second parameter is the default value to return when the cookie is not found or fails to be decrypted
