HTML Handler

Want to avoid echo '<a href=""></a> statements? You can use xTend's HTML handler to build your DOM elements.

Getting started

To get started you must first create a document using the HTML handler class. The document acts as a container for multiple elements which you can write out all at once.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\HTMLHandler;

$document = HTMLHandler::create();

Notice this returns an instance of HTMLDocument which inherits HTMLElement. Both classes can be found in Objects/HTMLHandler.php

Creating elements

When you have your document you can start creating elements, to do so you have to use the create() method of the HTMLElement class. The method accepts 1 or 2 parameters. The first one is the name of the element and the second one is an optional array of attributes.

$element = $document->create('li', [
    'class' => 'list__item'
$link = $element->create('a', [
    'href' => ''

As you can see, you can easily create child elements using the create() function as well.

Adding text

Besides creating HTML elements you can also add text to an element by using the text() method. The function accepts a maximum of 2 parameters. The first one is the content and the second one is a boolean defining whether to put the text before the child elements or after (by default it is before).

$link = $element->create('a', [
    'href' => ''
])->text('Visit google');

Writing out your HTML

To write out your html you can use the write() method. If you execute this function without passing any parameters it will just return the HTML as string but you can also pass true as argument if you want to echo the content as well.

Notice if you pass true to the create() method of your document, the write() will also add your standard html structure