Status Code Handler

xTend has a central location to register all your status codes. This makes it easier to manage them in a large application. You can also check all your status codes if you set your application's environment to development and navigate to your application in the browser with the /xtend/codes url. (This is defined in the Config/Routes/Development.php file). Notice it's suggested to register all status codes in your Config or Libs as these are included at all times. If you register them in a controller or a model xTend won't be able to display all your registered statuscodes as not all controllers or models are included at all times

Registering an status code

Use the register() method on your status code handler to register a new errorcode. The method accepts a maximum of 3 parameters being the code, a name and a human name. The code and the name should never change when you register an status code for your own convenience, the human name is technically the description of your status code.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\StatusCodeHandler;

StatusCodeHandler::register(0x005, 'code:error', 'An error occured');
StatusCodeHandler::register(6, 'code:error2', 'Another error occured');

Fetching a status code

You can use the find() method to get an existing status code by either it's name or it's code. This will return a StatusCode object from which you can get it's readable name, the status code as exception, the status code in hexadecimal and the name and code as well.

namespace Application;
use Application\Core\StatusCodeHandler;

$code = StatusCodeHandler::find(5);
$code = StatusCodeHandler::find(0x0005);
$code = StatusCodeHandler::find('code:error');

The StatusCode object


Use code() to get the code of the errorcode.


Use hex() to get the code as hexadecimal with preceeding 0x.


Use name() to get the name of the error.


Use readable() to get the human name of your status code.


Use getStatus() to get a full description of your error. This is a combination of the hex code, the name and the readable name.

Throwing an exception

Since the StatusCode object extends the Exception class you can throw any StatusCode to generate an error.